Stonehenge is a very fascinating place. Last December (2009) we decided to go to Stonehenge for the winter solstice. When we arrived on the 21st, we found out that the druids would be holding their official Winter Solstice festivities the following morning, so we got up early the next morning and were rewarded by being able to actually walk up to and touch the stones (for free). There were many people dressed up for the occasion, some chanting, some dancing, some marching in processions around the giant stones. It was such an interesting experience to be so close to these mystical stones. If you ever visit on days other than the mornings of winter and summer solstice, you are not allowed to walk up to the stones, unless you arrange to beforehand (which means you have to do it before normal opening hours, and pay a lot of $$$). You can read about one of the legends of the stones in "Our Island Story." Click
here for the story, and
here to read more on the history of the stones. Click
here for the pictures we took (including winter solstice celebration).

Two miles from Stonehenge is a place called "
Woodhenge." We didn't go there, but I was told that if it were still standing, Woodhenge would have lined up with the Winter Solstice.
Another site dubbed, "Bluehenge," was recently discoverd about one mile from Stonehenge. Some of the rocks that are at Stonehenge are believed to have been at Bluehenge. There are no rocks there now.